Broshan Uruk Brothers.
I stumbled over your forum because of Morchaint who is registered in the forum of the Shapog-Gûr, another Uruk group in Germany. So I decided to register to represent our group the
'Maubûr Takhbork'karn'.
Well, as stated above I'm from Germany too, 23 years old and from the city called 'Rendsburg' which is directly in the middle of the northest state 'Schleswig-Holstein'.
Our LARP-group, the
'Maubûr Takhbork'karn' (Company of the red Spider) is a part of the standing army of Mordor under the command of
'Khamûl the Eastling' (one of the nine Ringwraiths). We were founded in the year 2008 and are constantly growing in members and are currently 25 Uruk at this time.
My character
'Thak'hîsht' is an emissary of the
'Bos'Gadhûmûrzal' (The cult of the Tainted (who is another Ringwraith)) and send to the Takhbork'karn from Minas Morgul to hold up the faith into the dark lord.

As you can see, I'm not that much of a fighter, but take a bigger part as a spiritual leader.
'Mat Shakhbûrzûr kul mâz snû slai labûr.'Regards,