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 Předmět příspěvku: Re: Narkûraak (Shapog-Gûr)
PříspěvekNapsal: pát 19. úno 2010 21:57:37 
girmus (slídil)
Uživatelský avatar

Registrován: pon 29. zář 2008 8:23:06
Příspěvky: 100
Bydliště: Brno
Hi foreign orcish girl!!
It`s pitty that this Bot is czech written so you can`t use our great knowliges about everything, so only thing we can do for you is to translate threads you would like to read into some shorter article or summary. it shouldn`t be so hard
so main thread groups that can interest you are :
Culture & personality- roleplayng of orx & goblins
First steps
Language of Black speech
Orcish camping
Gallery of trollish nature
Stories & legends
War tactix and leadership
Others (text of ritual performed by Ctibour Malfl0uk fimurz dushatar of Snaga on Edgard larp)
Equipment & manufacturing
Armour - metal-made
Armour - leather-made
Masx and warpainting
Clothes and dresses
Orcish food and drinx
Others like trophys, contact lenses, bones, tents, banners, teeth
Battles, LARPs, actions, invitations
Market (I`m selling.../wanna buy...)

"Why don`t you try peeling of your skin?"
Fořťák Gurtugash bagathrular ghaara Snaga rak

 Předmět příspěvku: Re: Narkûraak (Shapog-Gûr)
PříspěvekNapsal: čtv 25. úno 2010 22:23:59 
girmus (slídil)
Uživatelský avatar

Registrován: pon 28. črc 2008 14:08:33
Příspěvky: 111
karimatka = camping mat. PET foam used also as thermal insulation of pipes mit wasser oder heizung.

Kdo je k čertu ten Tomš?

 Předmět příspěvku: Re: Narkûraak (Shapog-Gûr)
PříspěvekNapsal: ned 28. úno 2010 17:58:19 
girmus (slídil)
Uživatelský avatar

Registrován: pon 01. zář 2008 9:53:43
Příspěvky: 82
Bydliště: Liberec
Our clan discussed your costumes months ago so I had to laugh when I saw your website because I recognize half of you on the first sight and I even know your Gratû by name... So I'm not exactly eager to talk about costumes, we have them all analysed and we decided they're not bad, but also somehow not our style.
But what I couldn't find on the web and it seems nobody mentioned it here, is fighting tactics, organisation of the clan, camp, roleplay and similar. I skimmed all the descriptions of your characters and it sounds like you have well considered ranks in a bigger army. There is much about training in the descriptions. So what does it mean? The first few of us begin to be almost fully equipped and yet we seek a way how we can train really hard and effective and win battles in the end. You seem to be a bit more advanced in that so I'd like to ask how you train your warriors, how is the clan as a whole organized and perhaps how you usually manage the camp on the cons...
Two weeks ago or so I and other leaders of the three Unuraki clans spent some time designing the whole army encampment with guards, fencing and gathering fires and also began planning some big formation moves to be accomplished with silly and unexperienced snagas or trained in a day or two. Do you possibly have some ideas or advice to that?

Btw we are looking forward to seeing you at Drachenfest in a year or two when we get ready.

Zde pravděpodobně neodpovídám, zkuste

Shizunk z Mrchožroutů

 Předmět příspěvku: Re: Narkûraak (Shapog-Gûr)
PříspěvekNapsal: úte 02. bře 2010 9:48:26 
girmus (slídil)

Registrován: ned 10. kvě 2009 23:24:52
Příspěvky: 244
its really kind to meet someone foreign there.Your costume is great and nice looking.I watched your website and tried to understand but my german is really bad .It doesnt metter and and your group seems to be well equipped.See you soon



 Předmět příspěvku: Re: Narkûraak (Shapog-Gûr)
PříspěvekNapsal: pát 14. led 2011 2:43:24 

Registrován: úte 11. led 2011 5:07:21
Příspěvky: 4

some latex compagny from here !

if you wanna come to quebec let me know :P [im playing at]

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